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如果您不想再使用您的 帐户,请继续阅读有关如何删除帐户的一些有用提示。...

最近 个客户问题

I need to sign in sends me a code to my phone number I no longer have.

If you no longer have access to the phone number associated with your Indeed account, you're going to need to update that information. To do so, you have to be signed into your account. If you're locked out and cannot sign in, you may have to create a new Indeed account with an updated phone number. You might lose previous applications and resumes in the old account, but this will allow you to regain access. If you applied to jobs using your Indeed resume, these employers will still have your information. Be sure to use an email address that you check regularly when you create your new account.
询问时间:May 2, 2024 9:10 PM

I am a financial planner, and I am looking for a part-time assistant that is proficient in computer, scales, and office software, such as XL, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Word is a great platform to find the right candidate for your assistant position. You can post a job offering specifically stating the skills you're looking for, such as proficiency in Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Word. Potential applicants can then view your job listing and apply directly through the platform, giving you the opportunity to zoom into the right fit for your business. Additionally, you can use advanced search options to browse resumes on Indeed and even reach out to prospective candidates. The entire process is done online making it efficient and easy to manage.
询问时间:Apr 23, 2024 7:00 PM

edit or delete resume uploaded to indeed

You can certainly edit or delete your resume on To do so, log into your account and click on your username at the top right of the page, then select 'Resume' from the drop-down menu. You'll see an "Edit" or "Delete" option. To edit, click "Edit" and make changes as necessary, then save your changes. To delete your resume, click "Delete". Be aware this will completely remove your resume and it cannot be recovered. If you want to use the resume to apply to jobs in the future, we suggest you to save a copy for yourself before deletion.
询问时间:Apr 23, 2024 1:40 PM

Cannot login to get passed 2 factor authentication on

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble with this. Typically, the 2-factor authentication process requires a unique code sent to your phone or email. If you can't gain access to this code, ensure that your contact information is updated and accurate. If you're still having issues, it could be due to a few reasons, such as issues with your Internet connection, browser compatibility, or cookies and cache. Clear your browser cache and cookies, try using a different browser or device, or try refreshing your connection. Remember to protect your personal data during this process. If the issue persists, it would be best to directly contact Indeed's customer support for assistance.
询问时间:Apr 23, 2024 12:47 PM

Need to change phone number on

To change your phone number on, first sign into your Indeed account. Once signed in, click your email address at the top right of the page, then select 'Account'. From here, choose 'Account Details' where you can update your phone number. After making the necessary changes, click 'Save' to update your phone number. Be sure to correctly input your new number to avoid any complications with potential employers trying to contact you.
询问时间:Apr 23, 2024 12:42 PM


Job Applications


如果您最近在 Indeed 上申请了工作,并且想查看您在 Indeed 上申请了哪些工作,请继续阅读说明...

在 Indeed 上提交工作申请后还可以编辑吗?

不可以,在 Indeed 上提交工作申请后,您将无法对其进行编辑。一旦您提交了申请,它就成为财产...

Account Management




如果您不想再使用您的 帐户,请继续阅读有关如何删除帐户的一些有用提示。...

Mobile Usage

我可以使用移动设备在 Indeed 上申请职位吗?

是的,您绝对可以使用移动设备在 Indeed 上申请职位。 Indeed 提供了一款用户友好的移动应用程序,让您...

Indeed 有移动应用程序吗?

是的,Indeed 拥有适用于 iOS 和 Android 设备的移动应用程序。 Indeed 移动应用程序允许求职者搜索和申请...

Application Review

雇主在 Indeed 上审核工作申请需要多长时间?

雇主在 Indeed 上审核工作申请所需的时间可能会有所不同。它通常取决于几个因素,例如...

Job Search

我可以在 Indeed 上按地点搜索职位吗?

是的,您可以在 Indeed 上按地点搜索职位。 Indeed 提供了一个用户友好的搜索界面,您可以在其中输入所需的...

Resume Management

我可以在 Indeed 上针对不同的职位申请上传多份简历吗?

是的,您可以在 Indeed 上针对不同的职位申请上传多份简历。 Indeed 允许您创建和管理不同的简历...