Hamilton Beach 客户常见问题解答


Hamilton Beach 的电话号码是多少?

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Hamilton Beach 电器不含 BPA 吗?

是的,Hamilton Beach 电器不含 BPA。我们了解有关 BPA(双酚 A)的担忧,并优先考虑安全和...
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最近 Hamilton Beach 个客户问题

how do I reassemble the strainer in the coffee tank on a Hamilton Beach brewstation

To reassemble the strainer in the coffee tank on a Hamilton Beach BrewStation, 1. First, ensure all parts are clean and dry. 2. Place the strainer back into the BrewStation. It usually slots back into place within the coffee tank. 3. Make sure it is pressed down firmly to ensure proper fit. The exact slot or position depends on the specific model of your BrewStation. Remember, the strainer should be reassembled without coffee grinds or any other objects obstructing it. It's essential that the strainer is correctly positioned to ensure your BrewStation operates effectively. Refer to your specific model's manual as the process might slightly vary.
询问时间:Mar 30, 2024 12:38 PM

need parts for food processer model 70721

We're pleased to inform you that Hamilton Beach offers replacement parts for its Food Processor Model 70721. Parts like the bowl, lid, slicing/shredding discs, and S-blade are available. To order, you should visit Hamilton Beach's official website or an authorized retailer. Please be certain to match the exact model number to ensure compatibility. Also, note that availability could vary based on your location.
询问时间:Mar 25, 2024 7:40 PM

where to get replacment glass pot for my coffeemaker

Replacement parts for Hamilton Beach appliances including glass pots for coffee makers are usually available on the brand's official website, under the "Parts & Accessories" section. You can also find them on other online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay. Remember to check the model number of your coffee maker to ensure you acquire the correct replacement.
询问时间:Mar 21, 2024 5:33 PM

I have a Hamilton Beach coffee grinder and the cord is stuck inside the grinder and I can not pull it our more than 3 inches. The grinder itself works but it is next to impossible to plug it in and use it this way

It sounds like your Hamilton Beach coffee grinder's cord is retracted and it's not coming out. This could occur if the cord was wrapped too tightly around the internal storage mechanism, or it has been damaged in some way. In many instances, gently pulling the cord and releasing it can reset the internal mechanism, allowing the cord to fully extend. However, do not force or pull the cord excessively as this may cause further damage. If the problem persists, the grinder may need repair or replacement. Please note that trying to disassemble the unit yourself could void the warranty.
询问时间:Mar 16, 2024 7:17 PM

Defective toaster oven/air fryer

We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your Hamilton Beach toaster oven/air fryer. First, you should check your user manual's troubleshooting section, as the problem may have a simple solution. If it doesn't help, Hamilton Beach offers a limited warranty on all of their products. Depending on how long you have had your unit, it may still be under warranty. To take advantage of this, save your proof of purchase and contact the store you bought it from. If the unit is no longer under warranty, you may need to have it serviced professionally or consider purchasing a new one.
询问时间:Mar 13, 2024 9:18 PM

帮助我解决Hamilton Beach客户服务问题

Purchase Locations



Warranty Information


Hamilton Beach 电器的保修期因具体产品而异。一般来说,大多数电器都有一年的保修期...

Product Usage



我可以使用 Hamilton Beach 台式烤箱进行烘焙吗?


Dishwasher Safety

Hamilton Beach 产品可用洗碗机清洗吗?

是的,Hamilton Beach 产品可用洗碗机清洗。我们的产品在设计时考虑到了便利性,能够承受洗碗机的...

User Manuals

Hamilton Beach 电器是否附带用户手册?

是的,Hamilton Beach 电器附带用户手册。每个设备都附有一份全面的用户手册,提供分步...

Power Wattage


Hamilton Beach 微波炉的功率瓦数因型号而异。汉密尔顿海滩提供一系列具有不同功能的微波炉...

Replacement Parts



Return Policy




Hamilton Beach 电器不含 BPA 吗?

是的,Hamilton Beach 电器不含 BPA。我们了解有关 BPA(双酚 A)的担忧,并优先考虑安全和...