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最近 H2O Wireless 个客户问题
how to change plan not on the phone but internet only?
To change your H2O wireless plan through the internet, follow these steps:
1. Go to the H2O Wireless website.
2. Log into your account.
3. Look for an option like "Plan Management" or "Change Plan".
4. From there, you can select a new plan, confirm your choice, and follow the prompts to complete the transaction.
Remember, changes will take effect from your next billing cycle.
Please note: It's important to ensure you're making the right choice for your needs, as each plan has differing cost, data allowance, and features.
APN Settings
H2O Wireless 的 APN 设置是什么?
要使用 H2O Wireless 配置您的设备,您需要正确设置接入点名称 (APN) 设置。对于 Android 设备, - 名称:H2O Internet - APN:PRODATA - 代理:未设置 - 端口:未设置 - 用户名:未设置 - 密码:未设置 - 服务器:未设置 - MMSC:http://mmsc.mobile.att .net - MMS 代理:proxy.mobile.att.net - MMS 端口:80 - MCC:310 - MNC:410 - 身份验证:未设置 - APN 类型:默认、supl、mms 对于 iOS 设备,导航至“设置”>“移动数据” > 移动数据网络,并输入与上述相同的 APN 设置。确保保存更改并重新启动您的设备......