Gold's Gym 客户常见问题解答


如何联系Gold's Gym客户服务?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Gold's Gym 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Gold's Gym 是否提供企业或团体会员折扣?

是的,Gold's Gym 确实提供企业和团体会员折扣。我们了解促进健康生活方式的重要性......
询问有关Gold's Gym客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 Gold's Gym 个客户问题

how to replace the belt on a golds gym power spin 290

To replace the belt on a Gold's Gym Power Spin 290, first, remove the screws from the motor cover and take off the cover. Then, loosen the tension on the rear roller and remove the belt from the rollers and the motor pulley. Once the belt is off, slide the replacement belt onto the rollers and motor pulley. Afterward, adjust the tension on the rear roller until the belt is snug but not too tight. Lastly, reinstall the motor cover and tighten the screws. Make sure to turn off and unplug your machine before starting any repair works for safety reasons.
询问时间:May 2, 2024 10:09 PM

Account went to collections want to pay it off

It's great to hear that you're eager to clear your account balance with Gold's Gym! You should reach out directly to the collections agency that contacted you. They generally provide a phone number and payment options in their initial contact. Always remember, once you've settled your account, to request a written statement indicating that your debt has been paid in full. Please do not send any payments directly to Gold's Gym, as they no longer own the debt once it's passed on to collections.
询问时间:Mar 13, 2024 7:29 PM

I need help with a billing issue in order to get a refund

We recommend reaching out directly to the Gold's Gym location where your membership is based for help with billing issues. The staff there will be able to check your account details and guide you through their particular refund policy and process. It might also be helpful to have your membership ID and relevant payment receipts ready to share with them to expedite the process.
询问时间:Mar 8, 2024 7:41 PM

I’m having trouble with my stride trainer 300

We're sorry to hear you're having problems with your Stride Trainer 300. For technical issues, we recommend checking the user manual provided with the equipment. It includes helpful troubleshooting steps for common problems like resistance issues or the console not working correctly. If it's a matter of comfort or usability, changing workouts or going at a slower pace might help. It's always good to consult a fitness professional to ensure you're using the equipment correctly. Please keep in mind that this advice is general and we can't provide a specific solution without knowing what kind of trouble you're experiencing.
询问时间:Mar 4, 2024 6:54 PM

帮助我解决Gold's Gym客户服务问题

Membership Options

Gold's Gym 有哪些会员选项?

Gold's Gym 提供多种会员选择,以满足个人需求。我们最受欢迎的选择是标准会员资格,...

Location Access

我可以在任何 Gold's Gym 地点使用我的会员资格吗?

是的,Gold's Gym 提供方便的会员选项,让您可以在我们全球任何地点使用您的会员资格。和...

Personal Training


不可以,Gold's Gym 的会员费不包含个人训练课程。个人培训课程被视为额外...

Operating Hours

Gold's 健身房的营业时间是?

Gold's 健身房的营业时间灵活,可适应不同的日程安排并确保为会员提供便利。我们了解...

Cancellation Policy


是的,终止您在 Gold's Gym 的会员资格需要支付取消费。确切的费用可能会根据您的会员资格而有所不同...

Group Fitness


是的,团体健身课程包含在您的 Gold's Gym 会员资格中。我们相信团体锻炼具有激励和挑战的力量......

Age Restrictions

加入 Gold's Gym 有年龄限制吗?

加入 Gold's Gym 没有具体的年龄限制。我们欢迎所有年龄段的个人成为会员并努力......



Gold's 健身房提供各种设施,以增强您的健身体验。我们最先进的设施包括高品质...

Guest Policy


Gold's Gym 欢迎客人体验我们的健身设施。 Gold's Gym 的宾客政策允许会员携带宾客,但...

Membership Discounts

Gold's Gym 是否提供企业或团体会员折扣?

是的,Gold's Gym 确实提供企业和团体会员折扣。我们了解促进健康生活方式的重要性......