EyeMed Vision Care 客户常见问题解答


EyeMed Vision Care 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 EyeMed Vision Care 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我可以将当前的视力处方转移到 EyeMed Vision Care 吗?

不可以,EyeMed Vision Care 不接受转让处方。值得注意的是,EyeMed Vision Care 不是零售店......
询问有关EyeMed Vision Care客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 EyeMed Vision Care 个客户问题

Where do I find my eye insurance information, I didn't get anything in the mail.

If you didn't receive your EyeMed Vision Care insurance information by mail, it's possible that your employer has a digital delivery preference. Many employers are going green, and digital delivery can expedite the process of getting your information to you. Consider checking with your employer's HR department about whether they have opted for digitized insurance info, they should be able to provide you with instructions. If your vision insurance is self-purchased, you might have received an email with the relevant details. If not, check your EyeMed online account where you can access all policy-related information. If you do not have an online account, you can create one on the EyeMed website.
询问时间:Mar 11, 2024 12:35 AM

I can't login as a new member. I don't have an account and I'm trying to create one.

As a new member, you may need to wait for your coverage to become active before creating an account. Once active, use your EyeMed member ID (or personal information if you don't have your ID) to register on the website. You'll be asked to create a username and password. If you've already done these steps and still can't access your online account, it might be a technical issue. In this case, we recommend clearing your browser's cache and cookies, or trying a different browser. If the issue persists, contact your company's HR department (for employer-provided insurance) as they may have specific instructions or requirements.
询问时间:Mar 6, 2024 4:54 PM

帮助我解决EyeMed Vision Care客户服务问题


什么是 EyeMed 视力保健?

EyeMed Vision Care 是一家领先的视力保健公司,提供全面的眼保健服务并可访问全国网络...


EyeMed 视力保健有哪些好处?

EyeMed 视力护理提供一系列好处,以确保最佳的眼部护理和视力健康。我们的全面覆盖范围包括访问...

EyeMed 视力保健的费用是多少?

EyeMed 视力护理的费用根据所选择的计划和承保选项而有所不同。 EyeMed 提供一系列灵活且价格实惠的...

我可以通过我当前的保险使用 EyeMed Vision Care 吗?

是的,您可以通过当前的保险使用 EyeMed Vision Care。 EyeMed 视力护理旨在补充您现有的保险...

Claims and Reimbursement


EyeMed Vision Care 的报销流程快速而简单。要获得网络外服务的报销,只需支付...



如果您需要看专科医生,EyeMed Vision Care 提供医疗上必要的视力护理承保。只需获得推荐...

Eyewear Restrictions


是的,您通过 EyeMed Vision Care 购买的眼镜类型有一定的限制。具体限制可能会有所不同...

Surgery Coverage

EyeMed 视力护理是否承保 LASIK 或其他眼科矫正手术?

EyeMed Vision Care 确实为 LASIK 和其他眼科矫正手术提供承保,但根据具体计划的不同而有所不同......

Eye Exams

我多久可以使用 EyeMed Vision Care 进行一次眼科检查?

通过 EyeMed Vision Care,您可以每年进行一次眼科检查。定期眼科检查对于保持眼睛健康至关重要...

Prescription Transfer

我可以将当前的视力处方转移到 EyeMed Vision Care 吗?

不可以,EyeMed Vision Care 不接受转让处方。值得注意的是,EyeMed Vision Care 不是零售店......