
Evite 客户常见问题解答



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我可以为我在 Evite 上的活动创建联合主持人吗?

是的,您可以在 Evite 上为您的活动创建联合主持人。添加共同主持人是分担责任和制定活动策划的好方法......

最近 Evite 个客户问题

Can I buy more invitations for my event?

Absolutely! Evite enables you to increase the number of invitations for your event. However, it's important to note that while you can send most Evite invitations for free, certain premium invitations require a purchase. This cost varies depending on the design of the invitation and the number of guests you're inviting. Make sure to select the appropriate design and number of guests to meet your specific needs.
询问时间:Apr 8, 2024 5:55 PM

My evite share link is broken and leads to error page. I paid for premium and can't send the invites now

We're sorry to hear about the trouble you've been experiencing. If your Evite invitation share link is broken and leading to an error page, here's what you can do: Start by refreshing your webpage, at times, temporary web issues can get resolved like this. If the problem persists, try creating a new share link in the 'Share' tab of your invitation page. Make sure to copy and paste this link directly into a new browser tab to test it. If these steps don't resolve the issue, there may be a service outage. If so, we recommend waiting for a little while before trying again. Remember that as a Premium user, your invitation should operate error-free, so if the problem continues, it may be necessary to report it to us.
询问时间:Apr 1, 2024 11:34 PM

I have designed my Evite and have paid for 100 invitations. I need to include a document that guests can sign up to bring a dish to pass. How do I do that?

You can include a document by using the "Add a Co-host" feature on Evite. First, create the document via Google Sheets; make sure it's shareable and anyone with the link can edit. Then, add a co-host to your event, and use the email you used for the Google Sheets as the co-host email. The link to the document will appear in the co-host email, and you can share this link directly with your guests in your event's messaging or description, prompting them to sign up for bringing a dish.
询问时间:Mar 21, 2024 4:51 PM

I don't want the gift suggestion section on my evite

Of course, you have full control over the features of your Evite invitation. If you want to turn off the gift suggestion section, simply follow these steps: 1. Go to your Event Dashboard and click the "Edit Invitation" option. 2. Scroll to the "Gifts & Donations" part in the event set-up page and make sure the "Enable gift suggestions" is not checked. 3. Click "Save" at the bottom. Note: The event must be in draft mode and not yet sent out to allow for changes in settings. After the changes are applied, the gift suggestions will no longer appear on your Evite.
询问时间:Mar 17, 2024 8:35 PM

Can I add to the invitation list after initial order

Yes, you can add people to your invitation list in Evite after you have initially sent out your invitations. Simply go to your invitation and click on the "Add More" button located in the "Manage Invitation" page. Here, you can either manually fill in the additional details or import them from a file or a connected account. Once you've added the new guests, click on the "Send" button. Remember, these newly added guests will only receive the invitation, and not any previous conversations or updates that have transpired before they were added.
询问时间:Mar 12, 2024 4:53 PM



我可以定制我的 Evite 邀请函设计吗?

是的,您可以定制您的 Evite 邀请函设计。 Evite 提供了多种主题和模板,您可以选择...



是的,您可以通过 Evite 向您的客人发送提醒。 Evite 提供了一种方便快捷的方式来向您发送事件提醒...



是的,Evite 允许您在邀请中包含链接或附件。添加链接或附件是提供附加信息的好方法...



是的,您可以在 Evite 上取消或删除邀请。如果您需要取消或删除邀请,只需登录您的 Evite 帐户即可...

Payment Options

优质 Evite 设计的付款方式有哪些?

Evite 为优质设计提供灵活的支付选项,以确保便捷、无缝的体验。我们接受主要信用并...


我可以为我在 Evite 上的活动创建联合主持人吗?

是的,您可以在 Evite 上为您的活动创建联合主持人。添加共同主持人是分担责任和制定活动策划的好方法......