EZ-Pass Massachusetts 客户常见问题解答


EZ-Pass Massachusetts 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 EZ-Pass Massachusetts 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何恢复我的Ez Pass马萨诸塞州帐户?

您可以在线或通过与客户服务代理联系来恢复您的 EZ Pass 马萨诸塞州帐户。如果您忘记了密码,...

我可以暂时停用我的 EZ-Pass 帐户吗?

是的,您可以暂时停用您的 EZ-Pass 帐户。如果您需要暂时暂停您的帐户,可能是由于时间较长......
询问有关EZ-Pass Massachusetts客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 EZ-Pass Massachusetts 个客户问题

Change credit card on my account

To change the credit card on your EZ-Pass Massachusetts account, log into your account online. Navigate to the payment or billing section where you can update your payment information. Follow the prompts to enter your new credit card details and save the changes. If you encounter any issues, please refer to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page.
询问时间:Dec 28, 2024 5:20 PM

How do I change my account information?

To change your account information for EZ-Pass Massachusetts, log into your account on the EZ-Pass website. Once logged in, navigate to the account settings section where you can update your personal information, vehicle details, and payment methods. Follow the prompts to save any changes you make.
询问时间:Sep 12, 2024 5:39 PM

Where can I turn in my ez pass in the dartmouth ma area

You can return your EZ-Pass transponder at any EZ-Pass service center. Check the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page for specific locations near Dartmouth, MA.
询问时间:Jul 12, 2024 11:43 PM

Why did I receive a payment notice?

If you received a payment notice from EZ-Pass Massachusetts, it is likely due to an unpaid toll. When you pass through an EZ-Pass toll plaza without sufficient funds in your account, or without an EZ-Pass transponder altogether, a photograph of your license plate is taken and a bill for the unpaid toll is mailed to the address registered to the vehicle. Please ensure your account is properly funded and your transponder is correctly mounted to avoid future notices.
询问时间:Jun 5, 2024 1:22 PM

How to reset forgotten password

If you've forgotten your EZ-Pass Massachusetts password, visit the EZ-Pass MA website and click on "Forgot your password?" link. You will need to provide your transponder number (which can be found on your EZ-Pass) and the email address associated with your account. Once you've entered these, they'll send you an email to reset your password. Follow the instructions in the email to create a new password. Please remember to create a strong password that you can remember, but would be hard for others to guess.
询问时间:Mar 25, 2024 10:35 PM

帮助我解决EZ-Pass Massachusetts客户服务问题

Sign Up

我如何在马萨诸塞州注册 Ez-Pass?

如果您经常使用马萨诸塞州的收费公路,那么注册一个 EZ-Pass 帐户是值得的。它更加方便和...

Account Recovery

如何恢复我的Ez Pass马萨诸塞州帐户?

您可以在线或通过与客户服务代理联系来恢复您的 EZ Pass 马萨诸塞州帐户。如果您忘记了密码,...

Lost or Stolen Transponder

如果我的 EZ-Pass 应答器丢失或被盗,我该怎么办?

如果您的 EZ-Pass 应答器丢失或被盗,请务必立即报告,以防止任何未经授权的使用。您可以要求...

Transponder Types

马萨诸塞州有哪些不同类型的 EZ-Pass 应答器?

马萨诸塞州提供三种类型的 EZ-Pass 应答器:个人帐户应答器、商业帐户......

Transponder Delivery

注册后需要多长时间才能收到我的 EZ-Pass 应答器?

注册 EZ-Pass Massachusetts 后,您预计会在 5-7 个工作日内收到应答器。过程开始...

Interstate Use

我可以在其他州使用我的 EZ-Pass 应答器吗?

是的,您绝对可以在其他州使用您的 EZ-Pass 应答器。 EZ-Pass 系统已被 18 个州广泛接受,包括……

Payment Methods

EZ-Pass 通行费支付接受哪些付款方式?

马萨诸塞州 EZ-Pass 接受多种通行费支付方式。客户可以选择使用信用卡付款,...


在马萨诸塞州使用 EZ-Pass 需要付费吗?

是的,在马萨诸塞州使用 EZ-Pass 需要付费。 EZ-Pass 客户需要为每个转发器支付 20 美元的一次性费用...

Transponder Transfer

我可以将 EZ-Pass 应答器转移到另一辆车上吗?

是的,您可以将 EZ-Pass 应答器转移到另一辆车上。切换时转移应答器是一个方便的选择...

Discounts and Programs

是否有针对经常使用 EZ-Pass 的用户的折扣或计划?

是的,马萨诸塞州 EZ-Pass 为经常使用的用户提供多项折扣和计划。最值得注意的是批量折扣计划,...

Account Deactivation

我可以暂时停用我的 EZ-Pass 帐户吗?

是的,您可以暂时停用您的 EZ-Pass 帐户。如果您需要暂时暂停您的帐户,可能是由于时间较长......
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