Clash Royale 客户常见问题解答


如何联系Clash Royale客户服务?

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最近 Clash Royale 个客户问题

I’m trying to recover my account

If you've lost access to your Clash Royale account, you can recover it through the game's settings. Open Clash Royale, go to settings, then tap on "Help and Support". After that, tap on "Lost Account". A series of prompts will guide you through the recovery process. Have the following info ready: your account's name, XP level, and your Clan's name. If you're unable to recover from in the app, you can email Clash Royale's player support team. Provide the same information and they'll assist you in recovering the account. Remember, account sharing and selling violate Clash Royale's terms of service and can lead to permanent loss of the account.
询问时间:Apr 19, 2024 3:12 AM

I never got my evolution shard from leveling from level 57 to 58

Hmmm... we're not sure about that. Evolution shards and levels are not aspects currently present in Clash Royale. The game doesn't have a system involving leveling up from specific levels like 57 to 58 or obtaining items such as evolution shards. Clash Royale focuses on collecting and upgrading a variety of cards and working your way through a series of arenas. Perhaps you're confusing Clash Royale with another game?
询问时间:Mar 22, 2024 2:20 PM

Recover a clash royale account

To recover your Clash Royale account, you should make sure you have the game installed on your device. Open the app, go to the game Settings, and connect to your Google Play or Apple ID account which you've used to play the game before. Your previous progress should be restored. If you can't remember the account or if it's not working, you can contact the Supercell support team via the "Help and Support" section in the game settings. Provide them with any information you remember about your account, such as username, level, and clan name, to aid them in recovering your account.
询问时间:Mar 20, 2024 8:56 AM

帮助我解决Clash Royale客户服务问题

Card Rarities



Clan Wars





Clash Royale 共有 14 个独特的竞技场供您进行史诗般的战斗。这些竞技场的设计和解锁标准各不相同......

Game Modes



Chest Types




