
Checkr 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Checkr 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Checkr 提供国际背景调查吗?

不,Checkr 目前不提供国际背景调查。 Checkr 专门从事...的背景调查。

最近 Checkr 个客户问题

How can I tell if my background check was submitted

You can confirm if your background check was submitted by receiving a confirmation email from Checkr. This email will be sent once the company you’re applying to has asked Checkr to conduct a background check. Check your spam or junk folders if you do not see the email in your inbox. If you don't receive this email or need confirmation, it would be best to reach out directly to the company that asked for the background check as they initiated the request.
询问时间:Apr 25, 2024 9:21 PM

My background check needs to be ran again

To have your background check run again, you would need to submit a new application or request through the company or platform that initially asked for your background check. Checkr does not initiate background checks, but processes them as requested by the hiring company. It's important to note that the decision to rerun a background check is entirely up to the requesting party. Please reach out to the company using Checkr for your background check to discuss rerunning your background report.
询问时间:Apr 18, 2024 2:58 PM

The link for report sent from better future expired right after I tried to download report

We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble accessing your report from Checkr through Better Future. If the link to your report has expired, you'll need to request a new report through Better Future. Normally, these links remain active for a certain amount of time, for security reasons. Ensure to open and download the report as soon as you receive the link to avoid expiration. We cannot reactivate expired links or send the report directly, so your best option is to request a new one. Please keep in mind, it's always essential to check these reports promptly to preserve the privacy and security of your personal information.
询问时间:Apr 17, 2024 6:06 PM

Tengo problema con mí cuenta de checkr

Lamentamos escuchar que estás teniendo problemas con tu cuenta de Checkr. Te recomendamos seguir los siguientes consejos: primero, intenta restablecer tu contraseña, ya que este es un problema común que puede resolverse fácilmente. Si no puedes acceder a tu dirección de correo electrónico para restablecer tu contraseña o si tienes otros problemas con tu cuenta, te sugerimos reportarlo directamente al equipo de soporte de Checkr. Este equipo posee las herramientas y los recursos necesarios para ayudarte con problemas específicos de la cuenta de Checkr. Asegúrate de proporcionar todos los detalles posibles para facilitar el proceso de resolución.
询问时间:Apr 10, 2024 10:18 PM

Background check was Suspended, and I can't get back in

We understand your concern. If your background check was suspended, it may be due to a variety of reasons such as an uncompleted form, missing information, or a system issue. You should receive an email from us providing you with the specific reason for the suspension along with instructions on how to resolve the issue. If you haven't received this email, make sure to check your spam or junk folder. If you've misplaced the email or can't locate it, we recommend waiting for a bit as some instances may be resolved automatically in time. Please be aware that we cannot manually restart a suspended check.
询问时间:Apr 4, 2024 12:53 PM




Checkr 是一个现代化的背景调查平台,为组织提供快速可靠的筛选解决方案。它彻底改变了...



Checkr 是一个先进的软件平台,可帮助企业简化背景调查流程。该平台简化了首先,企业将 Checkr 的 API 集成到其现有的招聘工作流程中或使用该平台的用户友好的仪表板。申请人提供个人详细信息并同意背景调查,这可以通过电子方式完成。然后,Checkr 使用其广泛的网络来验证所提供的信息,包括犯罪记录、工作经历、驾驶记录等。验证完成后,Checkr 将为企业提供候选人背景的综合报告和分析。这使得雇主能够高效、合规地做出明智的决定。 Checkr 平台注重速度、准确性和合规性,为企业提供进行彻底背景调查所需的工具,同时简化整个流程......


Checkr 提供哪些类型的背景调查?

Checkr 提供全面的背景调查,旨在满足各种行业和要求。他们的服务包括...

Checkr 提供国际背景调查吗?

不,Checkr 目前不提供国际背景调查。 Checkr 专门从事...的背景调查。



Checkr 进行背景调查的持续时间因各种因素而异。一般来说,这个过程大约需要2-5...


在 Checkr,我们的目标是为我们尊贵的客户提供及时有效的帮助。因此,我们为客户提供的周转时间...



Checkr 的背景调查报告包含各种信息,可帮助雇主做出明智的决定。它通常...



Checkr 服务于广泛的行业,满足当今不断变化的就业市场日益增长的背景调查需求。无论...


我的个人信息在 Checkr 中安全吗?

是的,您的个人信息在 Checkr 中是安全的。我们了解保护您的敏感数据的重要性,并已实施...


使用 Checkr 进行背景调查的费用是多少?

使用 Checkr 进行背景调查的费用因多种因素而异,例如检查范围、行业要求……



是的,您可以对背景调查报告中的不准确之处提出异议。在 Checkr,我们了解准确信息的重要性......