
Bumble 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Bumble 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何永久删除 Bumble?

您可以通过三种不同的方式删除 Bumble 帐户。您可以删除您的约会资料,但使用 Bumble 朋友。你可以把...

我可以删除我的 Bumble 帐户并创建一个新帐户吗?

是的,您可以删除您的 Bumble 帐户并根据需要创建一个新帐户。要删除您的帐户,请转到您的个人资料设置,选择...

最近 Bumble 个客户问题

I deleted my account and they charged me anyway. Now I redid my account for the month, but they are saying I need to pay for premium again.

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble with your Bumble subscription. Once you delete your Bumble account, any active subscriptions should be cancelled, but there may be a delay if the charge already started processing. Also, keep in mind, deleting the app itself does not cancel your subscription. As for re-paying for Bumble Premium after recreating your account, it's true that subscriptions are linked to your account. If the account is deleted, any active subscriptions are terminated. So, when you restart your account, you'll have to re-subscribe to get back the Premium benefits.
询问时间:Apr 12, 2024 12:59 AM

How to remove the blocked account?

If you've blocked someone on Bumble and you want to unblock them, you can do this by going to your settings. Once in settings, select 'Blocked Users' section. Here you will see a list of users you've blocked and next to their profile, there is an option to 'Unblock'. Simply click 'Unblock' next to the user's profile and they will be removed from your blocked list. Please note, unblocking them also allows them to see and match with you again.
询问时间:Mar 30, 2024 6:46 AM

I'm trying to email bumble because it is asking me for a code that I don't have during log-in

If you're having difficulty logging in due to a required code, you may have enabled two-factor authentication (2FA). The code is typically sent to your connected email or phone number. If you're not receiving this code, try checking your spam or junk folder in your email or ensure your phone number is correct. Also, remember Bumble won't be able to send a code if your device is not connected to the internet. If none of these options solve the issue, you probably need to reset your password. To keep Bumble secure, they don't provide direct email support for log-in issues. Instead, you can request a password reset from the login screen. After clicking "Forgot your password?", simply enter your email or phone number and follow the prompts.
询问时间:Mar 17, 2024 4:31 PM

Unable to open my existing account on bumble

If you're having trouble opening your existing Bumble account, it could be due to a few common reasons. Firstly, ensure you're using the correct login method. If you linked your account to Facebook or Apple ID, you need to log in through that. If you're using the correct method and still having issues, try clearing your cache or reinstalling the app. If your Bumble account is linked to your phone number, make sure that you're inputting the correct number and it's correctly saving. For forgotten passwords, choose the 'Forgot Password' option in the login page. If you're still facing issues after these steps, it could be a temporary glitch or bug. Wait a while and try logging in again.
询问时间:Mar 8, 2024 5:58 AM

My account was banned for no reason I have done nothing wrong

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble with your Bumble account. Bumble may block an account for various reasons, like if there have been reports about inappropriate behavior, if the account appears to be a fake, or if the terms and conditions have been violated. If you believe your account has been banned unfairly, you should reach out directly to Bumble's customer support. They will be able to review the circumstances around your account being blocked.
询问时间:Mar 5, 2024 7:29 PM


Account Management

如何永久删除 Bumble?

您可以通过三种不同的方式删除 Bumble 帐户。您可以删除您的约会资料,但使用 Bumble 朋友。你可以把...

我可以删除我的 Bumble 帐户并创建一个新帐户吗?

是的,您可以删除您的 Bumble 帐户并根据需要创建一个新帐户。要删除您的帐户,请转到您的个人资料设置,选择...

Use and Features

我可以在没有 Facebook 的情况下使用 Bumble 吗?

是的,您可以在没有 Facebook 的情况下使用 Bumble。 Bumble 提供了另一种使用您的电话号码进行注册的方法。该选项允许您...


Bumble 币是 Bumble 上使用的虚拟货币,用于增强用户体验并解锁附加功能。用户可以购买...

Bumble 可以免费使用吗?

是的,Bumble 可以免费使用!该应用程序免费提供一系列功能,允许用户创建帐户、浏览个人资料,以及...

我可以在我的计算机或笔记本电脑上使用 Bumble 吗?

是的,Bumble 可以在您的计算机或笔记本电脑上使用。 Bumble 有一个网络版本,允许您访问所有特性和功能...

Matching Algorithm

Bumble 的匹配算法是如何工作的?

Bumble 的匹配算法旨在优先考虑相互联系,让女性掌控自己的约会体验。什么时候...


Bumble BFF 和 Bumble Date 之间有什么区别?

Bumble BFF 和 Bumble Date 是 Bumble 应用程序中的两种不同模式。 Bumble BFF 专为那些严格寻找...的用户而设计。