Broyhill Furniture 客户常见问题解答


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Broyhill 提供家具组装服务吗?

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最近 Broyhill Furniture 个客户问题

I need to buy cushion covers for outdoor furniture Crestfield all weather GB0239041-2

Unfortunately, we do not sell specific cushion covers for individual Broyhill Furniture models such as Crestfield All Weather GB0239041-2. Broyhill Furniture does not specialize in outdoor furniture accessories. For customized or specific cushion covers, we suggest seeking out a local upholstery or fabric store that provides custom sewing services. They can assist you in choosing the right fabric for outdoor use and create cushion covers that match your specifications. Please note that the fabric should be designed for outdoor use to resist fading in the sun and withstand the elements.
询问时间:Apr 24, 2024 4:28 PM

I bought a pergola and need to find the right size sun shade for it. I would like buy one that you recommend

We're happy to help. However, as we are specifically associated with Broyhill Furniture, we can only provide assistance pertaining to their products. Broyhill Furniture does not currently offer pergolas or sun shades in their product line. Therefore, we, unfortunately, cannot recommend a specific sun shade for your pergola. It would be best to measure your pergola and look for a sun shade that matches those dimensions from a retailer that specializes in outdoor furnishings.
询问时间:Apr 14, 2024 2:17 PM

Bought a 73.5 in. Broyhill Castillo foreplace and there's no remote control.

We're sorry to hear about your missing remote control. The Broyhill Castillo Fireplace should indeed come with a remote control included in the package for managing the fire intensity and heat. If you've received a unit without a remote, it's possible it may have been overlooked during packaging. We'd recommend reaching out to the retailer where you purchased the fireplace to report the issue and seek a replacement for the missing remote.
询问时间:Apr 4, 2024 8:30 PM

帮助我解决Broyhill Furniture客户服务问题

Return Policy

Broyhill 的退货政策是什么?

Broyhill 的退货政策通过在购买后 30 天内接受退货来确保客户满意度。我们理解有时...


Broyhill 家具通常可以使用多久?

Broyhill 家具以其耐用性和持久的品质而闻名。虽然任何家具的使用寿命可能会有所不同,具体取决于...


Broyhill 产品的保修是什么?

Broyhill 产品的保修通常根据购买的具体商品而有所不同。然而,布罗伊希尔通常提供有限的...

Purchase Locations

在哪里可以购买 Broyhill 家具?

Broyhill 家具可以通过多家授权零售商在线和店内方便地购买。要找到附近的...

Customization Options

我可以定制 Broyhill 家具的设计和面料吗?



Broyhill 提供融资选择吗?

是的,Broyhill 提供融资选项,方便客户购买他们想要的家具。随着理解...

Delivery Tracking

我可以追踪 Broyhill 家具订单的交付情况吗?

是的,您可以追踪 Broyhill 家具订单的交付情况。您的订单发货后,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含...

Shipping Methods

Broyhill 家具有哪些可用的运输方式?

在 Broyhill,我们致力于为尊贵的客户提供方便、可靠的运输选择。我们提供两种主要的运输方式...


目前 Broyhill 产品有折扣或促销吗?

是的,Broyhill 定期为其产品提供折扣和促销。他们了解为他们的客户提供超值优惠的价值...

Damaged Items

Broyhill 处理损坏或有缺陷的物品的流程是什么?

Broyhill 处理损坏或有缺陷物品的流程旨在确保客户满意度并及时解决问题......

Assembly Services

Broyhill 提供家具组装服务吗?
