
Brabantia 客户常见问题解答


Brabantia 的电话号码是多少?

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Brabantia 是否提供任何保修延期或额外的保护计划?

是的,Brabantia 提供保修延期和额外的保护计划。我们了解为客户提供...的重要性

最近 Brabantia 个客户问题

Size of bolts used in wall fixed washing line

The size of the bolts used in a Brabantia wall-fixed washing line can vary depending on the specific model of the product. As a general practice, Brabantia recommends that the bolts, plugs and screws suitable for the surface on which you plan to install the washing line should be used. Make sure to use the correct size and type that can handle the weight and usage of the washing line, considering the material of your wall. Always thoroughly follow the installation guidelines that come with the product for the best results and safety.
询问时间:May 10, 2024 2:43 PM

We have a Brabantia swivel clothes line. It is four years old. A rivet has come out at the top where the black plastic dome is held on. Please could you supply us with another rivet

We're sorry, but as an assistant, we don't have the capability to supply hardware or parts. However, if a part of your Brabantia product is broken within its warranty period, Brabantia typically offers a free replacement if the damage falls within their warranty conditions. For parts outside of warranty or not covered, Brabantia offers a range of spares and replacements that can be purchased. If a rivet has come out from the top of your line, you may need to contact Brabantia's customer service for assistance on replacing the rivet.
询问时间:Mar 4, 2024 8:45 AM

Living just a few metres from the sea our garden is mainly sand, what would you recommend for fitting a lift-O-Matic

For fitting a Lift-O-Matic rotary dryer in a sandy garden, we would recommend the use of a Brabantia ground spike designed for this purpose. The spike needs to be sunk into the ground until it's stable. If your garden ground is exceptionally sandy, you could set the spike in a concrete footing for added stability. However, ensure you carefully follow the instructions on the spike packaging to ensure the pole of your rotary dryer fits correctly. The Ground Spike is available in two diameters and is made of galvanized steel plate, which is durable and rust-resistant, perfect for seaside living.
询问时间:Feb 29, 2024 1:15 PM


Warranty and Guarantee

我如何根据 Brabantia 终身保证提交索赔?

Brabantia 终身保修对其所有设备均有效。如果您的设备出现故障,您可以提交...

Brabantia 产品的保修期是多少?

Brabantia 产品的保修期因产品类型而异。一般来说,Brabantia 提供 10 年保修...

退回的 Brabantia 产品需要多长时间才能收到退款?

收到退回的 Brabantia 产品退款所需的时间取决于多种因素。一旦我们收到退回的物品...

我可以将 Brabantia 产品更换为不同型号或颜色吗?

是的,您可以在购买之日起 30 天内将 Brabantia 产品更换为不同型号或颜色。为此,请...

Brabantia 终身保修有任何限制或排除吗?

Brabantia 的终身保修有一些限制和排除。首先,保修仅适用于购买的产品......

我可以将 Brabantia 终身保修转让给其他人吗?

不可以,Brabantia 终身保修不可转让。该保证仅限于产品的原始购买者,不能...

Brabantia 是否提供任何保修延期或额外的保护计划?

是的,Brabantia 提供保修延期和额外的保护计划。我们了解为客户提供...的重要性

Assembly Instructions

在哪里可以找到 Brabantia 产品组装说明?

您可以在我们的网站上轻松访问 Brabantia 产品组装说明。只需访问我们的主页并导航至“支持”...

