
BitPay 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 BitPay 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

BitPay 是否提供任何商家工具或集成?

是的,BitPay 提供一系列商家工具和集成。作为领先的加密货币支付处理器,BitPay 为商家提供...

最近 BitPay 个客户问题

My bitpay wallet seedphrase no longer works after update

The BitPay wallet's seed phrase should continue to work after any updates, as it is a universal key to your wallet across all devices and updates. However, if you're experiencing difficulties, make sure you're entering the phrase correctly. Also, consider possible typos, extra spaces, or case sensitivity issues. If the problem persists, we're unable to provide direct wallet recovery. As a self-custody wallet, BitPay doesn't keep or have access to your funds or your private keys. It's very crucial to ensure you keep your recovery phrase safe for situations like this, as it's your only method for recovery in case of issues with the app or device.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 6:52 PM

My seed phrase doesnt work after bitpay update

We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with your seed phrase after an update. BitPay encrypts your recovery phrase on your device, so they would not be able to access or retrieve it. If it's not working, ensure you're entering the correct phrase without any typos or extra spaces. Also, keep in mind that it's case-sensitive. If you're sure the phrase is correct, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app, then restoring your wallet with the seed phrase.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 6:49 PM

my payment didn't come through but it says it did

We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with your payment. If your payment is marked as "Complete" in your BitPay account, but you haven't received the funds, it could be due to a delay in the blockchain network or your wallet provider. These delays are usually resolved in a few hours. However, if the problem persists, please check if your wallet provider has any ongoing issues. If everything seems to be in order, but your funds are still not reflecting in your account, it's likely to be an issue specific to your transaction and will require investigation by BitPay. Please remember that BitPay's customer support is always available to assist you.
询问时间:Mar 15, 2024 5:08 PM


About BitPay


BitPay 是一家领先的支付服务提供商,使企业和个人能够以比特币和其他方式发送和接收付款...

Supported Cryptocurrencies

BitPay 支持哪些加密货币?


Using BitPay

我可以使用 BitPay 进行网上购物吗?

是的,您可以使用 BitPay 进行在线购物。 BitPay是一个安全、便捷的支付平台,允许用户支付商品...

我可以使用 BitPay 为我的企业接收付款吗?

是的,您可以使用 BitPay 为您的企业接收付款。 BitPay 是领先的加密货币支付处理器,允许企业...

Payment Processing


BitPay 确认付款所需的时间因交易类型和网络拥塞情况而异。为了...

我可以取消通过 BitPay 进行的付款吗?

是的,您可以取消通过 BitPay 进行的付款。但是,取消付款的能力取决于具体情况,并且......


使用 BitPay 我的个人信息安全吗?

是的,通过 BitPay,您的个人信息是安全的。 BitPay 优先考虑用户的隐私和安全。他们坚持严格...


使用 BitPay 会产生哪些费用?

BitPay 对通过其平台进行的所有交易收取 1% 的固定结算费。该费用涵盖所有处理和结算...

Merchant Tools

BitPay 是否提供任何商家工具或集成?

是的,BitPay 提供一系列商家工具和集成。作为领先的加密货币支付处理器,BitPay 为商家提供...