
Ariba 客户常见问题解答


Ariba 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Ariba 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Ariba 的定价结构是怎样的?

Ariba 提供灵活的定价结构,可满足客户的多样化需求。我们的定价基于订阅...

最近 Ariba 个客户问题

I am trying to logointo SAP But I do not know my administrator - I tried to set up a new account but it keeps bringing me back to the contact administrator page

We're sorry, but we cannot directly help you with issues related to your login to SAP. This FAQ is specific to Ariba and not equipped to handle specific SAP questions. It seems like you're having issues with your SAP login and administration credentials, best approach would be to get in touch with your IT support team or the individual at your organization who oversees SAP administration for personal assistance. They should be able to troubleshoot and guide you through the process or reset your login credentials. Always remember, never share your login information with anyone for security reasons.
询问时间:Apr 15, 2024 6:03 PM

When I try to access the User tab under Settings, I get another sign in page. Why can't I go to User information?

Typically, being redirected to another sign-in page when trying to access the User tab under Settings indicates a permissions issue. You might not have the necessary authorization to view user information. Please make sure that you have the correct user role assigned. If you have recently been granted these permissions, you might need to sign out and sign in again for the changes to take effect. If the problem persists, there could be a potential issue with your Ariba account and it may need to be examined by your system administrator.
询问时间:Apr 2, 2024 2:17 PM

How do I submit my PO number for payment?

To submit your PO number for payment in Ariba, first, ensure you've received a purchase order (PO) from your buyer. Next, from the Ariba Network dashboard, go to the 'Orders and Receipts' tab. Locate the appropriate PO and click on the 'Create Invoice' option. In the invoice form that appears, fill in all the necessary information, including your PO number. Look for a field that asks for the PO number, enter it here. Once you're done, submit the invoice. The payment against this invoice, tagged with your PO number, will be processed according to the predefined payment terms agreed with your buyer.
询问时间:Apr 1, 2024 5:43 PM

I'm trying to access another company's Ariba account since I have been subcontracted to submit invoices on their behalf

Unfortunately, you cannot directly access another company's Ariba account due to privacy and security reasons. Typically, the company that contracted you should submit the invoices on your behalf. If you need to submit invoices directly, the company could invite you as a supplier. This way, you can interact with their Ariba account indirectly. Ensure to communicate effectively with your contracting company to align on expectations regarding invoice submissions. Remember, unauthorized account access could result in serious consequences for compliance and security.
询问时间:Mar 19, 2024 1:38 PM




Ariba 是全球领先的基于云的采购和供应链管理平台。它使企业...



Ariba 是一个基于云的采购平台,连接企业、供应商和买家,以简化和自动化采购使用 Ariba 时,企业可以根据其特定需求和要求搜索供应商、发送报价请求、接收投标和谈判合同在线的。该平台还促进买家和供应商之间的协作,实现整个采购过程中的无缝沟通。 Ariba 利用人工智能和机器学习等先进技术来增强供应商发现并优化采购决策。总体而言,Ariba 简化并数字化了整个采购周期,提高了效率,降低了成本,并使企业能够与供应商建立更牢固的关系......


使用 Ariba 有什么好处?

使用 Ariba 有很多好处。首先也是最重要的是,Ariba 提供了一个用户友好的平台,可简化采购...


Ariba 是否与其他软件系统兼容?

是的,Ariba 与其他软件系统兼容。 Ariba 提供集成功能,使其能够连接和通信...

Industry Focus

Ariba 服务于哪些行业?

Ariba 满足全球各行各业的需求。我们的平台旨在满足各个行业的特定需求,...


Ariba 可以定制以满足特定的业务需求吗?

是的,Ariba 可以进行定制以满足特定的业务需求。 Ariba 提供一系列定制选项来定制其采购...

Mobile Support

Ariba 与移动设备兼容吗?

是的,Ariba 与移动设备兼容。 Ariba 平台旨在跨各种设备进行访问和运行...


Ariba 采取了哪些安全措施?

Ariba 了解安全的重要性,并已实施强有力的措施来保护您的数据。我们采用行业领先的...

Document Management

使用 Ariba 可以管理哪些类型的文档?

Ariba 是一个基于云的采购平台,可以高效管理各种类型的文档。用户可以使用 Ariba...

Payment and Invoicing

Ariba 如何处理付款和发票?

Ariba 为企业提供无缝、高效的支付和发票流程。借助 Ariba,用户可以轻松创建和发送...


是否提供使用 Ariba 的培训?

是的,可以接受使用 Ariba 的培训。 Ariba 提供全面的培训计划,旨在帮助用户有效地导航...


Ariba 的定价结构是怎样的?

Ariba 提供灵活的定价结构,可满足客户的多样化需求。我们的定价基于订阅...