AXS Tickets 客户常见问题解答


如何联系AXS Tickets客户服务?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 AXS Tickets 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如果我忘记了 AXS Ticket 的密码怎么办?

如果您忘记了 AXS Tickets 的密码,请不要担心!我们已经让您重新获得帐户访问权限变得非常简单......

如果我忘记了 AXS Ticket 的密码怎么办?

如果您忘记了 AXS Tickets 的密码,请不要担心!我们已经让您重新获得帐户访问权限变得非常简单......
询问有关AXS Tickets客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 AXS Tickets 个客户问题

I need help with a PayPal payment

Sure, we can help with that. AXS accepts PayPal payments for ticket purchases. When checking out, select PayPal as your payment method. You'll be redirected to PayPal's website, where you'll need to log in to your account. Once logged in, you'll confirm your payment details and complete the transaction. If you're experiencing difficulties, check if your PayPal account has sufficient funds or if it is linked to an active card or bank account. Please note we cannot help if your PayPal account is suspended or limited, and you may need to contact PayPal directly in that case.
询问时间:Apr 30, 2024 10:33 AM

How do I get the money for a ticket I just sold?

When you sell a ticket through AXS, the payment is typically processed 5-8 business days after the event has taken place. This delay is to ensure that all transactions linked to that event are confirmed and finalized. The payment is sent to the seller via the method they selected when listing the ticket for sale. Make sure your payment details are up to date to avoid any delays. Keep in mind that in some cases, it may take longer for your bank to post the funds to your account.
询问时间:Apr 22, 2024 4:22 PM

Can't add uk bank account as have no idea what to put in for 'building society account'

A 'building society account' is a British term referring to an account held with a building society, a type of financial institution common in the United Kingdom. If you're trying to add a UK bank account on AXS Tickets, and you don't have a building society account, you don't need to fill in those fields. Just complete the information related to your regular bank, such as the sort code and account number. Should the system require some information in those fields as a necessity, it would be best to reach out directly to your bank for guidance.
询问时间:Apr 11, 2024 1:16 PM

Tickets ordered in January have not arrived

We're sorry to hear that your tickets ordered in January have not arrived. AXS Tickets are usually delivered electronically to your AXS account, not through physical mail. You should be able to find them in your account under 'My Events'. If you can't access your tickets there, it's possible there has been a delay. However, you should always receive them in time for the event. Please ensure to also check your spam or junk folder in your email. Make sure you're logging in to your account using the same login details you used when purchasing the tickets.
询问时间:Apr 6, 2024 2:53 PM

I have not been paid for tickets I sold

If you've sold your tickets through AXS and haven't received your payment, this could be for a few reasons. It's possible there may be a delay with the payment processing. Normally, payments for sold tickets are sent via PayPal 7-10 business days after the event has taken place. If it's been longer than this time frame, we recommend that you verify the email address associated with your AXS account and PayPal is correct. Additionally, ensure your PayPal account is able to receive payments. If everything seems to be correct and you still haven't received your payment, it may be a good idea to reach out to AXS customer service for further assistance.
询问时间:Mar 25, 2024 4:00 PM

帮助我解决AXS Tickets客户服务问题

Ticket Management

如何在 AXS Tickets 上找到我的门票?


我可以将 AXS 门票出售给其他人吗?

是的,您可以将 AXS 门票出售给其他人。 AXS 提供安全可靠的门票转让平台。为了出售你的门票,...

Refunds and Transfers

我可以将我的 AXS 门票转让给其他人吗?

是的,您可以将 AXS 门票转让给其他人。 AXS 使持票人可以方便地通过以下方式转让门票:

AXS 门票可以退款吗?

不可以,AXS 门票通常不可退款。一旦购买门票,即视为最终门票,且不可退款。然而,...

Payment Options

AXS Tickets 接受哪些付款方式?

AXS Tickets 接受多种付款方式,以确保无缝、便捷的购买体验。我们接受所有主要信用...

Mobile Entry

我可以使用手机通过 AXS Tickets 参加活动吗?

是的,您可以使用手机通过 AXS Tickets 参加活动。 AXS Tickets 提供便捷的移动票务选项,让...

Account Access

如果我忘记了 AXS Ticket 的密码怎么办?

如果您忘记了 AXS Tickets 的密码,请不要担心!我们已经让您重新获得帐户访问权限变得非常简单......